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Project registered at the National Institute of Industrial Protection

While a large number of doctors, scientists and politicians question the reasons for the positioning of the general public against homeopathy: science or beliefs; this research project aims to objectively analyze the representations of the different actors involved in this controversy on homeopathy (public, doctors, scientists, pharmaceutical laboratories ...), to define what directs each of them to a choice in favor or against: knowledge, beliefs / imaginary / philosophical vision and / or professional / usual practices. Concept maps will be produced for the actors analyzed. A mapping of the controversy on homeopathy and the influences of different actors between them will also be produced at the end. Gender and cultural context will be taken into account. A report containing an analysis and proposals will ultimately be produced for the attention of the public authorities.


To do this an objective and independent multidisciplinary team of 14 people; unfunded and supported only through participatory societal donations; composed of teachers and researchers in education science, psychology, information science, scientists and pharmacists; will bring the project to a successful conclusion in France. An equivalent team of Polish teachers and researchers will help us in this project and will carry out the same study in Poland in order to carry out a comparative analysis and define how the cultural aspect of the country can guide the positioning of societal actors in the face of homeopathic medicine and its associated treatments. Indeed, France is the leading producer and consumer of homeopathic medicines, while a country like Poland is only 8th among producers and 11th among 21 European countries studied by European research CAMBRELLA.



Emmanuella Di Scala, Associate Professor, Dijon, HOMEOCSS Research Project Manager

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